Friday, May 11, 2007

Russell and Brooke Benson

Brooke and I are currently living in Plant City, FL. We have two wonderful boys and we started a church in Tampa two years ago. We are enjoying life and raising our wonderful children. God has been good to us!

Micah James Benson (Birthday: May 16, 2004)
Micah loves: muscial instruments, especially the drums
he loves praise and worship at church
he loves all sports and has a great spiral, probally better than his dad:)

Nathaniel Kevin Benson (Birthday: Feb. 16, 2006)

Nate is the quiet one. He is always good, always! He also loves music and the drums but he loves to eat even more.

Russ and Brooke
(Anniversary: Feb. 1, 2003)
We have been married 4 WONDERFUL years and the honeymoon is not over. God gave me a classey, beauiful, and annointed country girl!

We would love to hear from you. Email me at or visit our churchwebsite at

or visit myspace at
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Anonymous said...

hey russ nice picture love ya! aunt bettyann

Russell K Benson said...

thanks Bettyann! Posts some pics...